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Cincinnatus names Lydia Custer Salutatorian of Class of 2024

Cincinnatus names Lydia Custer Salutatorian of Class of 2024




Cincinnatus salutatorian Lydia Custer has made the most of her school experience. Lydia’s academic journey has been marked by achievement, community involvement, and excellence. Lydia credits her school experience to the relationships she has built along with the opportunities she has had.


“My best experiences attending Cincinnatus are from the relationships I’ve formed with the teachers,” Custer said. “I think that I have really become who I am because of the people I am surrounded with, especially at school. The environment here is really great compared to other schools. There are so many opportunities that I have.”


Lydia’s inspiration stems from her family and teachers whom Lydia credits with helping her become the person she is today.


“I think that a lot of the friendships that I’ve created this year have been ones that I didn’t think would ever happen,” Custer said. “Opening up to new opprotunities and ideas have been really helpful for me.”


When asked to give advice, Lydia stresses to younger students the importance of engagement in making the most of her high school experience.


“Being in a lot of clubs has really helped me,” Custer said. “Because we are in such a small school it is so easy to get involved in different clubs and activities.”


“I think dedicating time to your studies is important,” Custer continued. “But it’s so important to keep a good social life in high school, and the people you meet along the way will really help.”


Lydia will be attending Clarkson University where she will be studying business. CONGRATULATIONS to Lydia Custer, the Cincinnatus School Salutatorian of the class of 2024!