Acceptable Use Policies

  • We are pleased to offer students of Cincinnatus Central School, access to the district computer network and wireless devices such as iPads and Kindles. To gain access to the Internet, all students under the age of 18 must obtain parental permission and sign and return this form to the Network Administrator, Nicole Rice. The primary purpose of the District’s Internet connection is educational, and that as such, educational purposes shall take precedence over all other uses.

    Acceptable Use Policy Form: UPK - Grade 4
    Acceptable Use Policy Form: Grades 5-12

    We are pleased to offer staff members of Cincinnatus Central School access to the district computer network, including electronic mail and the Internet. To gain access to the district's network, email, the Internet, and wireless devices such as iPads and Kindles all users must sign and return this form to the Personnel Office. The primary purpose of the District's Internet connection is educational, and that as such, educational purposes shall take precedence over all other uses.

    Acceptable Use Policy Form: Employees